Making it Through Winter Blog #2 – Winter Workout Motivation

Winter Workout Motivation

1)      Train for the season – Or a season.  For many people it is difficult to motivate yourselves to workout during the winter (short days, weather, Vitamin D deficiency, etc.).  So picking an event, or season, to train for is a great way to add motivation.  Maybe find a race in March, a power lifting competition in April, or even just a goal for spring with a 3-4 month plan to get there!

2)      Schedule your workouts on a calendar – After you find your ‘season’ you need to schedule and focus your training program!  Do this on a calendar…take the time to write down your focus, your routine, and your results.  The act of scheduling and writing on the calendar focuses your commitment and breeds success!

3)      Get some winter gear – get some cool gear for your workouts!  Get new warm socks, the newest cool headband, a new workout playlist…whatever it is that will excite you to get that workout.

4)      Use that dryer to get out the door – It’s raining, cold…ugh!  Put your clothes into dryer and heat yourself up!

5)      Use social media to force yourself to workoutcheck in at the gym, tag friends asking if they are going to the gym, and talk about things that motivate you.  Again, thinking and committing to things in a written form is very reinforcing.  Social media adds another layer of commitment because all your friends can see your written commitment!

6)      Schedule your workout time on your calendar – that’s right….the calendar again!  This will be a common commit tool in all of my blogs.  Set yourself a weekly workout schedule, including times, based on your social/family/work schedules

7)      Hot cup of coffee to warm and caffeinate the body – Warm … Caffeine …Enough Said!

8)      Give yourself a reward – maybe make it something fitness/health related, or how about putting $5 per work out in a jar.  When June/July comes around crack your jar open and use the money to take a beach trip!  Talk about a win – win … 6 months savings and a beach body!

Now lets get started!

Making it Through Winter Blog #1 – The Winter Vitamin

Throughout the winter season tempatures get colder and days shorter.  This often tends to force focks into living a different lifestyle with less activity and more time indoors.  One of the major physiological changes that may occur within your body is a lack of Vitamin D.  Here are some signs that you may be Vitamin D deficit and ways to help you make it through the winter.

Warning signs:

  1. You feel a little sluggish and out-of-it – Vitamin D and sunlight elevates your Serotonin levels therefore making you feel more energetic and happy!
  2. Head Sweating
  3. You have developed a digestive problem – Because Vitamin D is fat soluble digestive issues, like IBS, Gluten sensitivity, indigestion, are often linked to inadequate D levels

What to do:

  1. Get out in the sun – remember the more skin exposed, the more sun absorbed, the more Vitamin D your body produces.
  2. Eat some fatty (colored) fish – Fish like Salmon and Trout contain a nice amount of Vitamin D
  3. Take your Vitamn D3 supplement – D3 is the type that is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight

Positive effects of proper Vitamin D level:

  1. Stronger Bones
  2. Better immunity during the cold season
  3. Weight loss
  4. Mood stabilization

The Plan:

  1. Plan to jog and/or walk outside a minimum 3 times weekly
  2. Use canned tuna/salmon for 2+ lunches weekly and fresh salmon/trout for dinner 2+ times weekly
  3. Take a regular Vitamin D3 sup