Throughout the winter season tempatures get colder and days shorter.  This often tends to force focks into living a different lifestyle with less activity and more time indoors.  One of the major physiological changes that may occur within your body is a lack of Vitamin D.  Here are some signs that you may be Vitamin D deficit and ways to help you make it through the winter.

Warning signs:

  1. You feel a little sluggish and out-of-it – Vitamin D and sunlight elevates your Serotonin levels therefore making you feel more energetic and happy!
  2. Head Sweating
  3. You have developed a digestive problem – Because Vitamin D is fat soluble digestive issues, like IBS, Gluten sensitivity, indigestion, are often linked to inadequate D levels

What to do:

  1. Get out in the sun – remember the more skin exposed, the more sun absorbed, the more Vitamin D your body produces.
  2. Eat some fatty (colored) fish – Fish like Salmon and Trout contain a nice amount of Vitamin D
  3. Take your Vitamn D3 supplement – D3 is the type that is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight

Positive effects of proper Vitamin D level:

  1. Stronger Bones
  2. Better immunity during the cold season
  3. Weight loss
  4. Mood stabilization

The Plan:

  1. Plan to jog and/or walk outside a minimum 3 times weekly
  2. Use canned tuna/salmon for 2+ lunches weekly and fresh salmon/trout for dinner 2+ times weekly
  3. Take a regular Vitamin D3 sup
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